A renderable diagram, created with DiagramBuilder.prototype.build.
You should pass a factory method to useDiagram to create a Diagram from
within a React component, for performance reasons.
Returns an HTMLElement presenting an interactive diagram. This element should
be appended added to an existing document node to be visible. The element is
styled by default with "width: 100%; height: 100%l touch-action: none".
Returns HTMLDivElement
getOptimized(name): boolean
Get the value of an input by index.
name: string
Returns boolean
optimizationStep(): Promise<boolean>
Take one optimization step. This will update the internal state of the diagram.
Returns Promise<boolean>
true if the optimization should continue, false if it should stop
(i.e. when optimization converges or fails)
A renderable diagram, created with
. You should pass a factory method touseDiagram
to create aDiagram
from within a React component, for performance reasons.