Function wedge

Return series of elements that render a "wedge", which is the same as the arc above except that it's connected to the circle center and filled.

  • Parameters

    • center: Vec2

      center of the circle on which the arc sits

    • start: Vec2

      coordinate to start drawing the arc

    • end: Vec2

      coordinate to finish drawing the arc

    • radius: Vec2

      width and height of the ellipse to draw the arc along (i.e. [width, height])

    • rotation: Num

      angle in degrees to rotate ellipse about its center

    • largeArc: Num

      0 to draw shorter of 2 arcs, 1 to draw longer

    • arcSweep: Num

      0 to rotate CCW, 1 to rotate CW

    Returns PathData

    Path data for a wedge