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Site Integration

In the above example, we have a React component rendering a Bloom diagram on the left, and some Mathjax on the right. Somehow, we need to sync values internal to the diagram to mathjax, live during rendering. Bloom provides several solutions.

Named Inputs

When you create inputs, you can optionally name them:

const a1 = [input({ name: "a1.x" }), input({ name: "a1.y" })];

This name must be unique across all inputs in the diagram. Naming inputs gives you the option of getting and setting them at render time:

const diagram = useDiagram(buildEigenvectorsExample);

const a1x = diagram.getInput("a1.x");
const a1y = diagram.getInput("a1.y");

// render mathjax ...

What happends when a1 is dragged? As written, this will not force a re-render by React, since get is only run on render! One solution is to store the retrieved values in a state and use Bloom’s effect system:

const diagram = useDiagram(buildEigenvectorsExample);
const [a1x, setA1x] = useState(0);
const [a1y, setA1y] = useState(0);

useEffect(() => {
  diagram.addEffect("a1.x", setA1x);
  diagram.addEffect("a1.y", setA1y);
}, [diagram]);

This works fine, but for many purposes SharedInputs are simpler to use, which we'll explore next.

Shared Inputs

SharedInputs remove much of the boilerplate associated with querying and setting inputs directly. At a high level, shared inputs are objects which DiagramBuilders can instantiate into regular old inputs, but which can be get and set from anywhere in your program. Moreover, they provide a simple method for syncing values between two or more diagrams.

A typical usage pattern might look as follows:

const buildMyDiagram = async (mySharedInput) => {
  // .. diagram things
  const myInput = sharedInput(mySharedInput);
  // ... more diagram things

const MyDiagramComponent = () => {
  const mySharedInput = useSharedInput();
  const diagram = useDiagram(
    useCallback(() => buildMyDiagram(mySharedInput), [mySharedInput]),

  const myValue = mySharedInput.get();

  // render something with `myValue` ...

(Here, useCallback is necessary to prevent the anonymous function wrapping buildMyDiagram from changing every render, and therefore triggering useDiagram to rebuild the diagram every render);

A couple things are going on here:

  • The method sharedInput of DiagramBuilder takes a SharedInput and creates an otherwise normal diagram input, which can be used exactly like calling input().
  • useSharedInput creates a new SharedInput, and triggers a re-render whenever it is changed (due to optimization, dragging, or setting). SharedInput.prototype.get retrieves the current value of the input.

The inputs can be passed into multiple diagrams, in which case the value of the shared input will be synced between the diagrams.

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