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The list of supported Style types is:

  • scalar
  • int
  • bool
  • string
  • path
  • color
  • file
  • style
  • shape
  • vec2, vec3, vec4
  • mat2x2, mat3x3, mat4x4
  • function
  • objective
  • constraint

These are what may appear in the optional type_annotation field of field assignments.


Shape declarations have syntax

shape_name {
    property_name_1 : value_1
    property_name_2 : value_2

Once declared, the value of each property can be accessed using


For example,

forall Set x {
    -- declares a circle with radius 50
    x.shape = Circle {
        r : 50
    -- set its center to be (50, 100)[0] = 50[1] = 100

Each property of a shape has a default value. A full list of available shapes and their properties (and their default values) can be found in the Shape Library.

Unknown Scalar

The ? expression evaluates to a scalar whose value is automatically determined by the Penrose engine. The Penrose engine picks a random initial value in place of ? and runs an optimization process to adjust it to a more suitable value.

One can also provide an explicit initial value to guide the optimization process using a pair of square brackets next to the ? expression. As an example, ?[3.14] tells the Penrose engine to use the value 3.14 as a starting point and optimizing based on that 3.14 value. Values in these square brackets must be fixed and explicitly given, so ?[1 + 1] is disallowed.


Strings have type string and string literals are delimited by double quotes. Strings can be concatenated using the + operator. For instance, to put parentheses around the label associated of x, write

string fancyLabel = "(" + x.label + ")"


Colors have type color, and include an alpha (i.e., opacity) channel. Colors can be specified via two different color models:

  • rgba(r, g, b, a) defines a color via the RGB color model, with red, green, blue, and alpha values in the range [0, 1].
    • If the required color is fixed and known, one can also use the hexadecimal representation #rrggbbaa, which gets converted to the corresponding color in rgba(r, g, b, a). If the alpha value is not provided in the hexadecimal representation, it defaults to 1.0.
  • hsva(h, s, v, a) defines a color via the HSV color model, with hue in the range [0, 360], saturation and value in the range [0, 100], and alpha in the range [0, 1].

To specify that a color should be omitted altogether, you can also use none(). E.g.,

fillColor: none()
strokeColor: none()

Note that none() is different from using a 100% transparent color: it really prevents the fill or stroke from being drawn altogether.

Computation Functions

Computation functions take in multiple values, and return a new value. The aforementioned functions rgba, hsva, and none are examples of computation functions. Other computation functions also exist, including many mathematical functions.

See the list of computation functions.

Operations between Numerical Expressions

Aside from concatenation of strings using the operator +, the Style language supports standard arithmetic operations on scalars, vectors, and matrices. For instance, in the case of scalar variables we can use the following operators:


Because of an internal tokenizer bug, expressions like +1 are always parsed as one single token +1 denoting the integer "positive one", instead of two tokens + and 1, regardless of their locations in the program. Similarly, -1 is always parsed as a single -1 instead of - and 1.

As such, expressions like 2+1 are always interpreted as 2 and +1 instead of the expected 2, +, and 1; the same occurs for 2-1 which is interpreted as 2 and -1 instead of the expected 2, -, and 1. In other words, they are interpreted as two numbers side-by-side instead of a number, an operator, and another number. This bug causes errors like

Error: Syntax error at line 16 col 8:

    y = 2+1
Unexpected float_literal token: "+1".

since the + operator is absorbed into the token +1 so the parser can no longer find the + operator.

This bug has been documented here.

The workaround to this bug is to always put spaces around the + and - operators, writing expressions like 2 + 1, n - 1, etc., unless signed numbers like -1 and +3 are specifically required.

  • c + d - sum of c and d

  • c - d - difference of c and d

  • c * d - multiplies c and d

  • c / d - divides c by d

See the documentation on Vectors and Matrices for further information about operations on vector and matrix types.

Style-Variable-Level Expressions

Some expressions directly take Style variables (in the header of selector or collector blocks) as arguments.

Aside from the "collection access expression" and "collection count expression", we currently support the nameof expression that takes in any Style variable, and returns the name of the Substance variable that this Style variable maps to. This can be useful for displaying errors in the Substance program on the canvas.

In the following example, we declare a set that is both empty and non-empty. This is logically inconsistent, so the Style program renders an error message onto the canvas containing the Substance name of the set that is inconsistent.

type Set

predicate IsEmpty(Set)
predicate IsNonEmpty(Set)
Set A
-- canvas specifications omitted
forall Set x
where IsEmpty(x); IsNonEmpty(x) {
    errorText = Text {
        string: "Set " + (nameof x) + " is both empty and non-empty, which is inconsistent"

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